Posted on February 27, 2023
DotNetBrowser 2.21
What’s new
Windows ARM
From now on, you can use DotNetBrowser on Windows devices with ARM64 architecture. See what packages to install from NuGet or ZIP.
We upgraded Chromium to version 110.0.5481.77. This update includes 15 security fixes.
Starting with this version, Chromium requires minimum Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016. The same requirements are for DotNetBrowser.
Camera and microphone events
Chromium shows red dot on the tab which uses camera or microphone. We added the possibility to detect the usage of this devices programmatically:
Browser.MediaStreamCaptureStarted += (sender, args) =>
Console.WriteLine($"Started capturing {args.MediaStreamType}");
Browser.MediaStreamCaptureStopped += (sender, args) =>
Console.WriteLine($"Stopped capturing {args.MediaStreamType}");
Quality enhancements
- Fixed Chromium crash on browser creation and closing.
Download DotNetBrowser 2.21 (.NET Framework)
Download DotNetBrowser 2.21 (.NET Core)
Download DotNetBrowser 2.21 (Cross-platform)
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