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Posted on April 7, 2022

DotNetBrowser 2.13

What’s new

Password Manager API

Chromium has built-in functionality that is used to store the entered credentials after the user submits a web form with a username and password. In this case, the SavePasswordHandler and UpdatePasswordHandler handlers will be used to decide whether to save credentials or update them if they are already saved.

To save or update user credentials programmatically, use SavePasswordHandler and UpdatePasswordHandler as shown below:

Browser.Passwords.SavePasswordHandler = 
    new Handler<SavePasswordParameters, SavePasswordResponse>(p =>
        return SavePasswordResponse.Save;

Browser.Passwords.UpdatePasswordHandler = 
    new Handler<UpdatePasswordParameters, UpdatePasswordResponse>(p =>
        return UpdatePasswordResponse.Update;

If you save them, the next time you load the same form and try filling it in, the autofill pop-up will be displayed:

Password autofil

To access and manage the saved credentials, use IPasswordStore:

IReadOnlyList<PasswordRecord> allPasswords = 
IReadOnlyList<PasswordRecord> savedPasswords = 
IReadOnlyList<PasswordRecord> neverSavedPasswords = 

Saved entries in IPasswordStore can be removed by URL:


To clear all passwords, use the following method:


Chromium 100

The Chromium engine has been upgraded to version 100.0.4896.60.

This Chromium version includes many security fixes, so we recommend that you upgrade to this version.

Extended arrays and collections support

This release brings the extended support of collections in the JS-.NET bridge.

The IJsArray, IJsSet, IJsMap and IJsArrayBuffer interfaces were added to simplify work with JavaScript collections from the .NET side.

In addition, the injected .NET collections were extended with a method that can be called from JavaScript to make a pure JavaScript copy of the collection:

  • IEnumerable<T> is extended with ToJsArray() and ToJsSet();
  • IDictionary<TKey,TValue> and IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey,TValue> is extended with ToJsMap();
  • byte[] is extended with ToJsArrayBuffer().


Dictionary<int, string> dictionary = 
    new Dictionary<int, string> {{1, "test1"}, {2, "test2"}};
List<string> collection = new List<string> {"test1", "test2", "test3", "test1"};
byte[] bytes = {0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD};

IJsObject document = Browser.MainFrame.ExecuteJavaScript<IJsObject>("document").Result;
document.Properties["dotNetDictionary"] = dictionary;
document.Properties["dotNetCollection"] = collection;
document.Properties["dotNetByteArray"] = bytes;

IJsMap resultMap = 
        as IJsMap;
IJsSet resultSet = 
        as IJsSet;
IJsArray resultArray = 
        as IJsArray;
IJsArrayBuffer resultData = 
        as IJsArrayBuffer;

In-process DevTools

It is now possible to show and hide the DevTools window programmatically without configuring the remote debugging port:


DevTools will be displayed in a separate window:


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