

This page describes how to customize the application details such as name, icon, description, version, copyright, etc.


You can customize the application name, icon, description, copyright, version, etc. by editing the corresponding properties in molybden.conf.json:

  "app": {
    "name": "MyApp",
    "version": {
      "major": "1",
      "minor": "0",
      "patch": "0"
    "author": "MyCompany",
    "copyright": "MyCopyright",
    "description": "MyDescription",
    "bundle": {
      "macOS": {
        "icon": "src-cpp/assets/app.icns",
        "bundleID": "",
        "codesignIdentity": "",
        "codesignEntitlements": "src-cpp/assets/entitlements.plist",
        "teamID": "",
        "appleID": "",
        "password": ""
      "Windows": {
        "icon": "src-cpp/assets/app.ico",
        "certFile": "",
        "certPassword": "",
        "digestAlgorithm": "",
        "timestampServerURL": ""
      "Linux": {
        "icon": "src-cpp/assets/app128.png"
    "configurations": {

Application details

We recommend that you configure the application version, author, copyright, and description properties if you build your application for Windows users.

These properties will be displayed in the application Properties:

Application properties

Application icon

To change the application icon, just replace the existing platform-specific icon files with your own ones in the same format. Different platforms require different icon formats.


The default application icon is located in src-cpp/assets/app.ico. You can replace it with your own.

There’s no integrated software on Windows that allow generating ICO files. To save your time, Molybden provides a built-in application icon generator tool for Windows. You can use it to create an ICO file from a set of PNG images with different dimensions. Just put your PNG 32-bit images with the following names and dimensions into a folder:

Name Dimensions
icon_16x16.png 16x16
icon_24x24.png 24x24
icon_32x32.png 32x32
icon_48x48.png 48x48
icon_256x256.png 256x256

Then, run the following command in the terminal from the root directory of your project:

npm run molybden icon -- --source_dir <path-to-the-folder> --out app.ico

The app.ico file will be generated in the root directory of your project.

You can replace the default icon located at src-cpp/assets/app.ico with the new one manually, or you can do it automatically using the following command:

npm run molybden icon -- -source_dir <path-to-the-folder>

This command will generate the new icon and put it into src-cpp/assets/app.ico replacing the existing one.


The application icon is located in src-cpp/assets/app.icns. The icon must be in the *.icns format.

To create your own app icon, save your app icon images with the following names and dimensions:

Name Dimensions
icon_16x16.png 16x16
icon_16x16@2x.png 32x32
icon_32x32.png 32x32
icon_32x32@2x.png 64x64
icon_128x128.png 128x128
icon_128x128@2x.png 256x256
icon_256x256.png 256x256
icon_256x256@2x.png 512x512
icon_512x512.png 512x512
icon_512x512@2x.png 1024x1024

Then, follow these steps:

  1. Move all the images into a new folder.
  2. Rename the folder to: icon.iconset.
  3. Confirm the file extension when prompted.
  4. Navigate to the directory containing your icon.iconset in the terminal.
  5. Run iconutil with the following command: iconutil -c icns icon.iconset.
  6. Your icon.icns will be generated in the current directory.


The application icon is located in src-cpp/assets/app128.png. The icon represents a simple image in the PNG format with the 128x128 dimension.

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